Murrumbateman Field Days 2024
Solace Creations is looking forward to participating in the 45th Murrumbateman Field Days event showcasing our Deceuninck products.
“Visit our huge range of exhibitors from tractors and farm machinery, building and home improvement, lifestyle and fashion, local food, kid’s entertainment and antique machinery – there is something for everyone! “

Saturday 19th of October and Sunday 20th of October
Murrumabateman Field Days
Buy Tickets
Bring the kids and enjoy family entertainment all weekend long. Early Bird tickets available to purchase online up to Friday 4th October.
Booth T80
Come by and say hi to the Solace Creations team. We will introduce you to our products and chat about your project.
Deceuninck Tiny-Home
The tiny home will be on display to showcase our range of windows and doors custom designed for your home.
Recreation Grounds, 19 East St, Murrumbateman NSW 2582, Australia

Solace Blog
Welcome to the Solace Creations blog. Discover further information about our products and offerings, check out our major projects and before & after casestudies.
Learn more about the world of insulated windows and doors
Before & After
Out with the old and in with the new, watch these homes transform